Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week 5: Cleaning Up the Damage From Tropical Storm Angie

I tore through Kauai like the Hungry Little Caterpillar on Saturday, eating my way through way too many delicious Hawaiian treats.

And like the caterpillar, after it was all over, I had a stomachache.

But when we got home, I ate through one nice green leaf (along with some lean protein) and I felt much better!
The Edamame Dip from Journal 1 is one of my favorite
Sitting on the plane, in my now-way-too-tight shorts, I vowed to get right back on the wagon. We had one day before we had to go back to work and I made sure I had time for grocery shopping, cooking and getting some new shoes. (The only thing more uncomfortable than my tight shorts was my worn-out shoes!)

I decided to make the Chicken Stir Fry and the Edamame Dip that night, the Salmon with Brown Rice on Tuesday and the Turkey Chili on Wednesday (all from Body Back Journal 1).

Assessing the damage
I was nervous to step on the scale Tuesday morning, and with good reason - I was up more than 4 lbs! That strengthened my conviction to get back on track with my eating and back into my workout regimen.
My journal last week: had to write really small to fit
all of my indulgences.
And all of that planning and my recommitment has already made a difference! I weighed myself today and I am back to my pre-vacation weight! This is still 2 lbs. up from my end of session 2 weight, but I'm sure I can get back there over the next three weeks.

Now that things are back under control, I feel a little less guilty about going so far off the plan on vacation. But I learned a lot about what I could do differently next time so that I can enjoy myself more and not feel like the big fat caterpillar ready to go hibernate in his cocoon.
This week: back to lots of codes and smiley faces in the
"how you felt" section.
Here are a few things I will try to do differently on my next vacation:
  • Plan out my splurges so I have something to look forward to each day - instead of indulging on everything good in sight and trying to make up for it later.
  • Buy more healthy food, and plan more healthy meals - the last few days, when I realized we had to use up the food in the refrigerator or throw it away, I was more willing to cook.
  • Don't buy sweet treats to have in the condo - if I want a dessert, I should pick something special and go out and get it instead of mindlessly munching on macadamia nut Hershey's kisses.
Where to get your next pair of running shoes
On another note, I finally got some awesome new running shoes and my experience was so great, I want to share it. I went to Laces, the running shoe store in Scripps Ranch after reading their amazing online reviews.

Mike listened to my needs, watched me run and gave me several different great options to choose from. He said if I had any problems at any time, to come back. I actually did have to go back after a few days and he happily went through the process with me all over again!

So, if you need new shoes, I highly recommend these guys by the Vons on Scripps Poway Parkway. They will do whatever it takes to get it right! (

I wore the new, new pair today and ran the 8-mile loop around Mission Bay with no problem at all!

I haven't run that far in a long time, so it was a good test. My dear friend and running buddy, Ciela is training for her first full marathon, so I joined her for part of her 14-mile run. She kept us at a 10:30 pace as part of her training plan, which was perfect since I had my little guy in the stroller.

It felt really good, which is making me think it might be time to sign up for another half marathon. I know a lot of Body Backers are doing the San Diego Holiday Half, so I am definitely considering joining them...

In fact, after that long run, I think I know what the caterpillar feels like after he pops out of his cocoon as a "beautiful butterfly" - happy, energized and ready to fly!

Learn more about Body Back:

By the way, my wonderful husband just revealed that he lost 4 lbs. in Hawaii. I kind of want to punch him... But at least he waited until now to tell me! :)

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