Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Copy Cat Dinner: Gnocchi with Chunky Vegetable Sauce

It's been a while since I've been excited about something I've cooked - heck, it's been a while since I've cooked!

Life has been hectic lately! But tonight I finally took the time to make dinner and it helped that I knew exactly what I wanted to make. I was inspired by a meal made by my coworker (and friend) Michelle and her husband Dana.

They scored a box of CSA produce from our boss, who was going on vacation and she shared the photo of the pasta they made with lots of the veggies. It looked amazing and I had to copy them since I had all the same veggies in my fridge - waiting to be eaten.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Southwestern Quinoa Salad

The other day we went to a bbq at my sister's house and, of course, I brought lots of veggies to throw on the grill. It was a beautiful sight. Someone even grabbed my phone while I was busy making salad and took a picture so I'd have it for my blog - thanks guys!

We ended up with lots of leftover corn. So the next day, I decided to make a southwestern quinoa salad. It was really easy and delicious! Here's how I did it: