A few months ago I would have laughed in your face if you told me this. In fact, I actually did laugh in someone's face when she asked me if I'd ever thought of becoming an instructor.
"No way!" I declared, with a look of horror.
"Well, I think you'd be great at it," she said.
"Really?" Me? Huh? Wha?
She politely listened to me list all of the reasons she was wrong and then went on her merry way. But the seed was planted and the wheels started turning.
As my Body Back journey continued I realized I was getting just as much, if not more, out of cheering on my teammates, as I was of realizing my own goals.

So when I heard they were looking for Body Back Boost class subs, I decided to look into it.
The next training session was just a few weeks away and I agonized over whether to take on the challenge. With just two days to spare, I decided to go for it. I completed the online prerequisite anatomy course on Friday night and attended the all-day training yesterday.
It felt surreal to walk into a room full of fitness professionals and try to convince myself I belonged.
We introduced ourselves and I was the only one without fitness training experience. So thank goodness I had my 3+ sessions of Body Back under my belt (as my "experience!") That went a long way in helping me get through the day.
The training was a combination of lecture and experiencing the actual workouts, and after eight hours I was mentally pumped and physically exhausted.
It was fascinating to hear how the program was created and the science behind it. I was already all hopped up on the kool-aid, so this was just icing on the cake.
For the workouts, we did the whole assessment (timed push-ups, sit-ups, squats, bicep curls, plank, side plank and a 1-mile run), which is done as the entire first workout at the beginning and end of every session. Then we did a 1+ hour outdoor traveling workout, which would have been killer on it's own, but was unthinkable after the assessment. Then a little later we did a 30-minute Rounds class. Luckily we ran out of time or we would have done a Circuit workout as well. Whoa!
We also did several meditations throughout the day, which were wonderful, emotional and very healing. I really think it's part of the magic of this program and one of the things I am most excited about learning how to guide other mamas through.
I felt pretty amazing as I limped out to my car last night. I did something I never EVER thought I'd do.
I still have a lot of work before I'll be ready to teach my first real class, but I'm super excited about this next step in my journey. And I'm ready to do whatever it takes to try and help other mamas on their own journeys to getting their bodies, minds and spirits back!
Way to go, Angie!!! You'll be awesome. :)