I've been striving for optimum health for as long as I can remember. Who doesn't want to look and feel their best at all times?
But I also love to eat...and drink - and live life to the fullest! And I don't want to spend all of my time counting calories and obesessing over everything I put in my mouth...
So, it's been quite a journey and over the years, trying different diets, exercise plans, supplements and detoxes. Counting calories, fat grams, carbohydrates - you name it! Reading books, listening to meditation cds, attending countless Weight Watchers meetings and scouring the Internet for answers.
And life keeps changing. 2010 was particularly eventful to say the least! I spent the better part of it planning a wedding, married my best friend, went on an amazing honeymoon, celebrated the holidays to the fullest and rang in the new year with a bang...
I started 2011 off with a 30-day Bikram Yoga Challenge which was a pretty intense, but definitely a worthwhile experience.