He's an amazing little guy. He just started walking! And he's talking a lot! It's so awesome watching him grow and learn, and seeing his personality develop.

He was born with fluid in his lungs so he was treated for pneumonia and had to stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for a whole week before we could bring him home. It was tough! But we made it through and we're so thankful.
A few months later he started getting a really flat spot on his head from always sleeping with his face to the right because of a tight neck muscle. We had to get him a head reshaping band (or helmet), which was quite an ordeal! But he graduated after a few months and his head is much better.
Now we're looking forward to his first birthday - so surreal!
Vegan to Vegetarian to... Intuitarian?
So, I've had my hands full and haven't been cooking as much. My diet has also changed a lot. I lasted about a year as a vegan. When I got pregnant, I added dairy back in. I just really wanted pizza with real cheese and non-vegan baked goodies.
I still avoided meat through the whole pregnancy and for a few months after Coen was born. Then when he was about three or four months old, I started craving meat. I don't know if it had something to do with breastfeeding, but after not wanting it for two years, it started sounding really good.
So, I listened to my body and now I am back to eating everything. And I feel really good. I'm still pretty conflicted about it though. I really like the idea of not eating any animal products.
I think eating more lean protein has helped me lose the baby weight. But, I'd like to make an effort to continue eating lean without as much meat. One day at a time, right?
Getting back in the kitchen
Now that Coen has become more independent, I have been able to get back in the kitchen a little more. So, I'm excited to start experimenting again and sharing my adventures.
I've also been working out a ton! I'm following BodyBack, which is an eight-week workout program with a meal plan. There are two group classes a week and then you work out on your own for four more days, with one rest day. It's designed for moms who want to get in better shape and the camaraderie and moral support is amazing!
Blogging about BodyBack
I'm halfway through my second session. And I just signed up for a third. I was considering the third session when I saw a call for a blogger willing to write about their BodyBack experience, so I volunteered! That will start August 27 when the new session starts, but I figured I better dust off the old blog before then.
I'm super excited to share the awesome results I've seen. And I think blogging will help keep me committed and accountable.
I hope you'll rejoin me on my journey to seeking optimal health and happiness!
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