Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Teaching My First Practice Class

I'm lucky to have a sister that's super supportive of my fitness goals! She's been one of my biggest cheerleaders during my Body Back journey - always telling me how proud she is of me.

When I mentioned I wanted to start practicing teaching classes, she volunteered to be my first client. She's been wanting to get back into working out so it's perfect timing.

I went to her house on Saturday and led her through one of the sample Body Back "Rounds" workouts from the instructor training manual.

It was a tough one! I remember the first time I did a rounds workout - I thought I was gonna die. And I could barely walk for a week afterwards. It almost deterred me from signing up.

But she did great!
We did some of it indoors, and then took advantage of her nice big yard. We ran a few laps for one of the cardio rounds, did some push ups on the wall for strength. And her fence came in handy for triceps with the band.

I tried to talk as much as I could during the workout, just to get used to it. It felt awkward at times, but I'm sure that's one of those things that just takes practice.

I was also fumbling between my music on my phone and the timer, so I realized I need a separate stop watch to keep things going smoothly.

So it was great to practice in a nice safe place. We're going to try it again next weekend and maybe even invite a few more people...

I've also scheduled my first team teaching opportunity for next Friday in Carmel Valley. I'm nervous and excited! And motivated to keep practicing!

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